I titled this page Carrie Lynn - Storyteller because I believe in the human story. Especially the common place human story. That is why I chose the subtitle of "Everyone has one - They need to be shared."
February, mid-winter seems the perfect time for you to share. This month I will send out personal story topics. I would love for you to respond, to jog your memory bank, and share your experience. You are welcome to share them publicly in the comments below or privately in email. I want to know more about you. I can't wait to learn.
This week's topic is "What is your favorite childhood memory?" Share as much as you like. Happy reminiscing.
I loved to read! Summers on the couch after swim practice with a huge stack of books from the library, where my mom took me all the time. The Great Brain was one of those series I delved into.
My favorite childhood memory isn’t necessarily a specific incident, but more of a period of time. A culmination of wonderful memories. I grew up in a very small town in Utah. My childhood consisted of running through fields, playing in creeks and rivers, riding bikes carelessly through wide open, empty streets. Playing exciting games with friends. It was a quintessential Rockwell childhood. Too many wonderful memories to remember just one in particular.