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Reflections on Resilience through Seasons

How do you cope when life turns out different than you plan? Where do you find resilience?

My intended October of 2024, looked very different from the events that unfolded. A month, that on paper looked full of fun and adventure. Flipped itself with no warning. Try as we all might we never could get the intended October back on track. In that state of upheaval, we came up with the phrase, "It's part of October."

For some people our disruption might have felt like a few small bumps in the road. For me, it felt like cavernous pot holes. Ironically, cavernous pot holes often inspire me. I love a good life challenge. Over the years I have found that when life feels dark, I need to find light. This month was no different.

Light can be found in a million ways. Some people pray, others read, still others choose music. This season my light source was nature. Since, October couldn't rearrange physical circumstances, it wrapped itself around me in clouds, sunsets, changing leaves, and deer's. I absorbed every minute of it.

It's November now, a fresh slate. In celebration of fresh slates, I am sharing my October nature gifts with you.

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