We interrupt our previously scheduled post on elopement to bring you July Fourth - Fitzgerald Style.
In both series of books, John touched on Utah's July celebrations. Both are held annually two weeks apart from each other. The first is July Fourth, the second is July Twenty-Fourth. Both celebrations have parades, fireworks, community productions, picnics, and fun. By all accounts the same joy of celebrating that is done today was done back in the day in Price, Utah.
If you read the attached news clippings from the Advocate you will see where John took all his inspiration. Whether it was parade floats with school bells on them, as we find in The Great Brain. Or the community games he references in Mamma's Boarding House. Both Mammas, book Mamma and real-life Mamma won prizes for their floats. Papa oversaw games and events. It really was a family affair.
Happy & Safe Fourth of July to you.